12 Self Tanner Mistakes & How To Avoid Them


Self-tanning is a popular method for getting a golden tan without the harmful effects of the sun. However, there are some mistakes that people often make when self-tanning, which can result in an uneven or unnatural appearance. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1- Neglecting to Exfoliate: It’s important to exfoliate your skin before applying self-tanner. Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the tanner to adhere to. Without exfoliation, you might end up with patchy results.

2- Forgetting to Moisturise: Dry skin can absorb self-tanner unevenly, resulting in dark patches. Applying a light moisturizer to areas like elbows, knees, and ankles before tanning can help prevent this issue.

3- Applying too much Self-Tanner: Using an excessive amount of self-tanner can result in a tan that looks too dark or even orange. To avoid this, start with a light application and gradually build up if necessary. It’s better to have a subtler tan that you can enhance later, rather than an overly dark and unnatural result.

4- Neglecting to wear Gloves or Tanning Mitt: To avoid staining your palms and fingers, wear tanning gloves or use a tanning mitt when applying self-tanner.

self-tanning-mistakes5- Ignoring Difficult-to-Reach Areas: Areas like the back, back of hands, and tops of the feet are easy to forget. To reach these spots, use a long-handled applicator or ask a friend for help.

6- Not Correctly Blending: To prevent hard lines and an unnatural appearance, make sure to properly mix the self-tanner into your skin, particularly around the edges.

7- Applying Self-Tanner in a Rush: Rushing through the self-tanner application process will result in streaks and missed spots.

8- Using Expired Product: Check the expiration date before use. Expired self-tanner might not produce the results you want and can cause skin irritation.

9- Tanning in Humid Conditions: When it’s humid, self-tanner takes longer to dry and may transfer to clothing or bedding. Be mindful of this and allow enough time for the self-tanner to fully dry before dressing or getting into bed.

10- Not Patch Testing: Perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any negative reactions before applying self-tanner all over your body.

11- Using a Wrong Formula: Self-tanners come in a variety of formulations for various skin tones and kinds. It’s important to choose a formula that is appropriate for your skin to achieve the most natural-looking results.

12- Proper Cleaning and Exfoliation: If you’re reapplying self-tanner, it’s crucial to remove the old layer properly with exfoliation before applying a new one. This prevents uneven buildup and patchiness.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can use self-tanning solutions to get a tan that looks natural, is even, and lasts for a long time. For optimal results, always read and abide by the directions on the self-tanner packaging.

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