How to get your Spray Tan to last longer!


With winter around the corner our skin tends to dry out which can make your Spray Tan not last as long. At Pink Tanning Lounge we want your Spray Tan to stay fresh and last as long as possible, your Spray Tan should last between 7-14 days if you maintain it well.

Preparing your skin is the most important step to ensure your Spray Tan will last!

shave-wax-legsWe highly recommend moisturising twice a day leading up to your Spray Tan appointment as this is a super important step to getting your Tan to last. Moisturising keeps your skin hydrated and less likely to crackle once the Spray Tan is applied. 24 hours before your appointment you want to ensure you have Shaved and wax if you are wanting to. Doing this 24 Hours before is super important as your pores need time to close before being Sprayed. Don’t forget you also need to exfoliate this, it’s one of the most important steps! Exfoliating helps remove all your dead skin cells which will allow the spray tan to absorb into fresh, clean skin. This will mean your tan will not only be more even, but it will last a lot longer too.

An exfoliating mitt or glove in a warm shower or bath works perfectly. You can use a paraben free and sulphate free body wash on your mitt or glove if you wish and exfoliate in a circular motion, just avoid any body washes that contain oil as these will create a film over the skin and may interfere with the tanning process. DO NOT USE DOVE PRODUCTS! Dove soap and Dove lotions leave a film on your skin that directly leads to a blotchy tan.

avoid-wearing-braOn the day of your appointment make sure you have no lotions or products on your body, not even deodorant! Deodorant reacts with Spray Tans and can make your armpits green so try your best to avoid it before you tan. We know it’s a daily essential so our best tip is to put your deodorant on the outside of your shirt. 

 If you know your body is extremely dry, please ensure us and we can apply barrier cream so your Spray Tan won’t build up in these certain areas. Don’t forget what you wear to your appointment is super important. Avoid wearing tight clothing, including bras, covered shoes, socks and jeans! We recommend long baggy pants, baggy jumper/t-shirt and opened shoes.

Consider adding additional products to your appointment. We offer Prep Spray and Drying Powder at Pink Tanning Lounge to make your appointment more luxurious and beneficial. Prep Spray is one of our additional products that can be added to your Spray Tan appointment, Prep Spray is a body primer designed to rebalance the pH levels of the skin, lock in moisture, and minimises pores. The best way to explain Prep Spray is exactly like Primer for when you do your makeup. It’s definitely worth it trust us!!

Another additional product you can add to your Spray tan appointment is Drying Powder, and trust us this is defiantly one of our favourite products. The day’s end of feeling sticky and yuck.. add drying powder and walk out feeling instantly dry, this means your Spray Tan is less likely to transfer to objects/clothing as well. Consider drying powder-like setting spray that’s used for makeup.

When it’s time to rinse off your Spray Tan make sure you are only using luke warm water with no products for less than 45 seconds. You do however want to ensure you have washed all your Spray Tan off so the tan won’t overdevelop on your skin. Over the next 12 hours you want to avoid all products just jump out of the shower pat dry and straight into your clothes. After 12 hours your tan should off fully developed and you should be a beautiful bronzed colour. Now it’s time to moisturise, you want to moistures twice a day with an OIL-FREE moisturiser. A plain moisturiser is perfect, remember Oils strip your Tan. We recommend Black Magic Tan Xtend or Tan Nourish, available on our online shop or in the salon.

Book your next Spray Tan Today!

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