Top Tips for a Perfect School Ball Tan

Book A Trial

If you have time get a trial Spray Tan, Book your trial spray tan a month or so before your school ball and get the perfect tan for your special event.

Prepare yourself

Proper spray tan preparation plays a huge part in how your spray tan will look and how long it lasts. Follow these steps for the perfect spray tan, every time!

  • Exfoliate (Exfoliating Mitt) prior to your tan
  • Wax/shave 24 hours prior to your tan
  • Leading up to your tanning session moisturise your knees, elbows, knuckles and any other dry or rough skin you may have.
  • Remove any makeup you are wearing prior to your tanning session to ensure you have a clean canvas for best results.
  • On the day of your tan don’t moisturise your body or wear deodorant or perfume.
  • Wear dark loose clothing (Self Tanning Robe)to your appointment.

Book your dates

Some of our tanning solutions can take up to 18 hours to develop. So it’s important to book your tan in two days before your ball. Book your tan asap to ensure you get the date and time you are wanting.

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